Netflix and what's to come

            The 21st century technology that I chose is Netflix. Netflix is a movie streaming site that is used by millions to stream their favorite movies, tv shows, and documentaries. It has gotten increasingly popular in the last couple of years with users from all types of demographics old or young. It was first launched in April 1998 where it started the use of mail order DVD subscriptions, DVD rentals that would be mailed to your house and when you were done watching the movie you would mail it back. I remember receiving these DVDs all the time when I was little, we used to order new movies we wanted to see and just send them back easy, it was simple yet a lot more effort than what we do now just to tune into a new movie or show.
Netflix first started its online streaming in 2007, where you were able to log into your own account and see everything they have to offer in their library. This was a fairly new concept back then, many other new technologies were surfacing, like the iPhone, which allowed a specific Netflix app to be used on it. In 2012 it was being used overseas in countries like Ireland and the UK. The first original produced Netflix series came out in 2013 bringing us shows like Orange is the New Black and House of Cards. Now, Netflix is a household name, families use it for family movie night, or on the way to work streaming downloaded movies on a phone or participating in the famous phrase “Netflix and Chill” which is a catchy phrase that has been used in the younger crowds meaning something slightly different than just watching movies and hanging out. Netflix has expanded tremendously since its initial start; however, the movie scene has been around for centuries. We will explore not only the modern age of movies and streaming but also the history of how it all started.
The motion picture was one of the greatest phenomenon’s during it’s time. It started first with silent films all black and white. Anyone who wanted to see a new movie out could only see it at one place and that was the movie theater. The movie theater during the early nineteenth century was essentially a social gathering. People would attend with their families for a night on the town, or with a group of friends, it was always a treat to be able to go see the newest thing out. However, this was an only a treat to those who could afford the cost to go, people without the time or funds to attend to movie simply weren’t. It was a leisure activity for those who made enough to not have to constantly work and spend their money on things that did not involve entertainment. So, it was less common for groups such as immigrants or families living in poverty to attend the movie theaters regularly.
Movie production and technology advanced, color films were developing as well as special effects. In New York City ‘nickelodeons’ were popular, to see a movie for just a nickel. This gave more people the chance to experience the movie industry and what it had to offer. Before we know it, we had color tv’s in almost every home later things like OnDemand came and the ability to stream on every device imaginable. Everyday things are advancing even further, Netflix plays a huge part in this timeline, along with other developing sites such as Hulu, or Amazon.
Looking towards the future I really think that developers are going to take things a step even further, give even more access than we already have. We are going to have micro screens easily visible and accessible to us at any times, not only for streaming entertainment like movies on shows, but news, stocks, individual notes if we choose to keep them. Maybe they will be able to use with glasses, or anything we can carry around with us at any time. Recently, I saw sunglasses that also double as mini speakers, so we are on our way to these new advancements. Netflix has not only changed the movie industry and how we view them, but it also opens up a door to what else we can use to have live access to whatever we want whenever we choose.


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